With the upcoming Super Bowl, I gave thought to what the business world would look like if we added flavor from the sports world.

Imagine some of the fun moments:

  1. Emptying the coffee pot without a refill incurs the wrath of Terry Tate, office linebacker (you kill the joe, you make some mo’!)
  2. Every 8-10 minutes of a conference call, the meeting organizer announces “we’ll be right back after this TV timeout” subsequently follow by 3 minutes of everyone standing around.
  3. Trading your high potential consultant to a competitor for 2 average consultants, cash, and a player to be named later (still in college)
  4. A horde of people sitting in your office or cubicle, cheering or booing wildly based on your mouse clicks
  5. The Budweiser Clydesdales available during lunchtime for a ride around the parking lot
  6. A dress code so everyone wears the same uniform
  7. Employees not coming into work until management pays them more because they ‘outperformed’ their contract
  8. Video replay of mundane tasks in slow motion with witty remarks from an unseen commentator.  Watch how perfect Michael staples these papers together!
  9. Anyone responding ‘Reply All’ to a company wide email distribution gets hit with a penalty and forced to work in the bathroom (or other penalty box) for 5 minutes
  10. The mandatory greeting when the receptionist answers the phone is WASSUP!
  11. Random spitting on the floor or grabbing body parts… just because.

What other fun moments can you think of?  Did you know creating lists like this on a daily basis can turn you into an idea machine?


  1. Totally loving this! Sign me up for #2 and #7 !!

  2. Oh, you have NAILED it! So much of #2, way too much of #8!

  3. Love it. I’m new to American Football coming from Cape Town, South Africa so I may get the terminology wrong. How about:
    12. Sacking the presenter if there is too much text on the slides and/or if the slides are used as teleprompters.
    13. Throwing down your laptop after nailing a particularly good business review or sales pitch.