

Procrastination is easy to fix.  I’ll tell you how tomorrow…

*Rim Shot*

Ok, maybe not.  A quick search on procrastination at Amazon yields over 2,000 results.  You’d think with all these self-help books that it wouldn’t be such an epidemic.  But it is and for a number of good reasons (or at least that’s what you tell yourself).

Too tired, too sick, just plain don’t feel like it – will do it later (no you won’t), I don’t have time (except you do have time to watch another episode of Law & Order: SVU), too busy reading just one more Facebook/Twitter update, etc.

There’s no instant fix but I’ll tell you the best solution I’ve ever found.  Just do 5 minutes of whatever task you’re putting off.  The sheer act of starting and getting past the resistance is usually all you need.  Once you’re in motion, you magically keep going until it’s finished.  If not, just keep doing small bits every day.  They add up until one day you find yourself at the finish line.

Starting is the hard part but it’s amazing what can happen if you “just do it.”